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TurnUP for Democracy - Join Us Today!

Thank you for supporting our work towards a more engaged electorate of young voters and a healthier Democracy!

Youth activism has always led to social change.


Founded in 2019, TurnUp is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and mobile app that comprises the largest youth-led voter registration and turnout initiative. We’re on a mission to strengthen democracy by increasing high impact youth civic action and closing the gap between young people who want to take civic action and those who actually do so. TurnUp includes four integrated programs that work together to increase youth voter registration and turnout: physical registration & turnout drives; relational registration & turnout drives; grassroots organizing; and digital campaigns. TurnUp was recognized by Forbes as the #1 standout tech non-profit.

We are the largest and fastest-growing coalition of youth turnout advocates, powered by a diverse team of over 5,000 youth organizers, 20,000+ young volunteers, hundreds of partner organizations, and thousands of individual donors from every corner of the Country. Since 2019, we’ve helped to register 250,000 young voters, text 20 million young voters, talk to 750,000 young voters on the phone, and reach 80 million impressions of our ads making it easy to register and vote. 

Young people have shown us that with support from TurnUp's programs they will show up in droves and be the energetic change-makers that our democracy needs.

TurnUp's goal is to register every newly eligible voter and pre-registrant in key states where the votes of young people can make the biggest impact in 2024.

We are hiring students in key states to run voter registration drives at their high schools and to relationally contact each newly eligible student at their high school or college reminding them to register to vote. We are also utilizing our internship program and online tools to register voters.

Did you know...
The generational makeup of the United States is shifting dramatically. In 2024, Millennials and Gen Z account for almost 45% of the electorate.
Did you know...
Young people voted in historic numbers in 2018, 2020, and 2022, and were THE determining factor behind the election results in each, respectively.
Now imagine...
If the estimated  4 million young people who will turn 18 before November's election participate.
Which is why...

Our generation will soon dominate the electorate and have the power to define the scope of our political priorities

We provide the education, tools, and opportunities needed for a civically competent and engaged electorate of young voters with the skills to strengthen our democracy for generations to come.


Now available in the App Store and Google Play Store!


Organizations, Campus Ambassadors, and staff - JOIN US!

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