Our Impact.
Since 2020, youth that TurnUp has registered and mobilized have voted in high numbers nationwide, with their votes exceeding the margins of victory in many House and Senate races.
TurnUp organized the largest youth-led voter registration and turnout operations in the past three cycles including both Georgia runoff elections, based on publicly available data.

477,000 young people registered to vote across all of our campaigns.
140 million impressions of our social media ads and influencer/micro-influencer campaigns that reminded young people to register to vote, request their ballot, vote early or vote on election day and enabled them to find their polling location.
35 million texts with voting and voter registration information sent by young TurnUp interns & volunteers to young voters.
900,000 young voters had phone conversations with young TurnUp interns and volunteers about why, how, and where to vote or register to vote.
782,000 young voters got ready to vote through checking their voter registration status, pledging to vote or making a plan to vote.
762,000 young people relationally contacted by 25,300 of their friends reminding them to register and vote.
481,000 young voters connected to a ballot request form or the location of their polling station.
94,000 hours of volunteering from TurnUp interns who turned out in droves to register and mobilize young voters.
31,000 young volunteers are working with TurnUp to register and mobilize young voters.
13,000+ young people trained and educated through our comprehensive virtual internship program with 6,000 students in our program this year.